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Funny Golf Terms: The Best Funny Golf Shot Terminology 2023

Welcome to yet another thrilling blog post about the game of golf - the most exciting sport in the world. But, we're here to talk about the truly riveting topic...

Welcome to yet another thrilling blog post about the game of golf - the most exciting sport in the world. But, we're here to talk about the truly riveting topic of golf terminology. That's right, we're going to be delving into the depths of funny golf slang and definitions for some of those less conventional but most frequent shots on the amateur golf circuit. Make sure you're sitting down, and have a defibrillator nearby, just in case the excitement gets too much for you... be warned though these get dark pretty quickly. 

Adolf Hitler Two shots in a bunker

Army Golf - Left, right, left, right... 

Anna Kournikova - Looked good but no result 

Bin Laden - Driven into the hills and never to be seen again

Brazilian - Just shaved the edge

Bun in the oven - Felt food but not worth the trouble it's got you into 

Colonel Gaddafi - Dangerous in the sand

Condom - Landed safe but didn't feel good

Circus Tent - A big top

Cuban - Needed one more revolution

Diego Maradona - Nasty little 5 footer / Fat but handy

Durex - played it safe and didn't rip it

Hiroshima - blew up on the 6th 

Jeremy Corbin - Miles left 

Kate Moss - A bit thin, but does the job

Kate Winslet - A touch fat, but almost perfect

Sister-in-law - You're up there, but know you shouldn't be

Prince Andrew - No sweat under pressure

Ladyboy - Looks easy, but much more to it than meets the eye

Michael Barrymore - Found it, but in the water

Princess Diana - Shouldn't have taken a driver 

Prince Harry - a tough round but got the money in the end

Paris Hilton - An expensive hole 

Meghan Markle - Started off well but quickly went downhill 

Ryanair - Flew ok but landed no where near

Saddam Hussein - Bunker to bunker 

Stevie Wonder - Sounded good but never saw it

Son-in-law - Not what you hoped for but you'll have to make do

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